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Thursday, 5 December 2013

My Future Australian Outback Adventure

Of many excursions, none will compare to where to the heart of tracking across the outback and doing giant walkabout. I mean real adventure to get the feel of history and live like a bush people did at beginning of the 20 century where the country was rough.  This is a real adventure where you become a real like Crocodile Dundee. It is one that is not a tourist attraction. Nor it is one for the faint of heart. It is one of most dangerous places on Earth. It is possible to get lost and never be heard.

I had been to place where western diamond back rattlesnakes were and knew to very careful where I sat and laid for the evening when I lived out West Texas. I had been to place where the animals can kill you on the spot. You have no choice but to carry a single shot bushman's rifle to wart of attacks from animals can kill you. I had been white water rafting. This adventure requires to live without modern conveniences and you have to carry fire arm. I am going to be living off the land. I mean getting real feel for things. deadliest animals are the king brown snake being the most venomous on the planet that roams Australia. Also, red neck spider that can kill you in less 30 seconds. I am going to have very thick leather cover to protect my hands and feet. I am going to be careful on what places not to go near. But, in my life, I know that you need a some protection against snakes that can kill you without warning, which is why I am going use a single shot bush man's rifle and check with the Northern Territory about the firearms to stay within the law.  Also, use hat to keep the sun ouf my eyes and face.

I will be eating any thing that I am using to hunt legal with the single shot bolt rifle for eating and will be eating by campfire what I find along with three other people. This is kind of trip is one that I wanted for a long time. It allow me to connect with land and nature.
Single Shot Hunting Rifle

I am going take cantine for water ,so carrying won't be problem. I will know where to look and know where to find it. It can get hot and muggy during the summer day time hours.
I know that I have to watch for crocodiles when on the water in boat. Because if they are big enough they can take you down for swim. I am going find big enough boat where that is not issue.

I hope to capture picture like this on film for my adventure with nice SLR camera 35 mm.

I enjoy doing this kind of stuff because it breaks myself out of the mundane and every day. I  hope  a sky like this below

I go by boat to see the scenery like this one

This is what I hope my adventure will be like and it will one that I can remember for a lifetime. This is point doing to get away from the everyday boring. Because sometimes, you just need to do a walkabout.

This kind of adventure that will rekindle the vitality. It will make me feel like I can resume my daily life without stress. This my plan next year between semesters at law school and my daily life trading. I am all around adventurer and love taking trips that are adventurous.

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