media tools like Google+, Facebook, Pinterest, StumbleUpon, LInkedIn and
Twitter are the rave these days. These tools can do great things for starting
out and creating business. These tools can be used in the wrong way as
well. The laws in different countries
are being harmonized with each other through treaties ratified and signed into
law. Many people don’t stop to think about what is happening. The laws are
catching up to technology. Every person’s words online are being monitored by
governments and law enforcement agencies around the world. Many people think
that they have nothing to hide or get too smug thinking that they will never
get caught if they live in another country. Most of all, this is changing, as
Revelations since Edward Snowden have revealed how far advanced the technology has come. Keyword searches used by marketers for marketing purposes to sell products and services, they are now being use by governments to bring causes of action in criminal and civil matters. It is happening more and more. Most people don’t think about it. It is happening because the ratification of treaties with other countries to harmonized each other’s laws because of technology. Lastly, the laws are catching up to technology
Technologies like Bitcoin are going through
the process of being submitted to the regulatory practices to deal with things
like international drug smuggling and weapons smuggling. This is happening.
Many Bitcoiners hate the idea of the governments in different countries
interfering with Bitcoin. But, they forget that even currencies that are
digital can be used in much the same way as regular paper money to go out and
commit crimes. This is happening. Much of the commerce has not anything to do
with crimes, there is always a small group who do use it for purposes that are
criminal in nature that are recognized in most legal systems around the world.
As technologies advance, the laws will catch up to the technologies out there.
are people who go online that may use the social media tools for the right
reasons. However, there are people who will use the tools for the wrong reasons.
We have seen this where politicians post their dirty laundry online. It comes
out into the open. People go online bullying people into doing things like emptying
the bank accounts through extortion. Email scams involving scam about money are
still taking place. Most of all, we can
see many examples of this online.
best example of mild form of cyber bulling is people can engage in ad hominem
attacks online such attacking the creditability of a person online by
suggesting because poor grammatical skills that they are not authoritative on a
topic. When in fact, they may have extensive knowledge and experience about the
topic, poor grammar does not mean they are not expert on topic. It just means their
poor grammar that needs to be worked on. This is a common fallacy that I see a
lot online. Language is the means to communicate with each other. There are
books out there to help avoid using logical fallacies in oral communication and
written communication. Because using these types of fallacies can be a form of
cyber bullying. They are used to
intimidate. Lastly, in business communication, the best thing is not to engage
in any kind of logical fallacy because using a fallacy can hurt the
creditability in gaining customers and business partnerships.
When cyber bulling comes into play, a cause of
action can be brought forth with evidence online of what was said. Log files
and database records of what is said can be acquired through a judge’s order in
most legal jurisdictions around the globe. This can be used as evidence in any
kind of action. In civil actions, we can see this is happening where one party
said one thing against another party where a judgment was issued against the
party that caused the problem. People can no longer give the proverbial middle
finger to the legal system because the laws are changing with the times. We may find
ourselves living in the “Minority Report” type of world soon because of use
social media tools. With the goodness of the tools, it comes with the other
side where bad things can come. We have
seen examples of this online where people post pictures and videos online
talking about the harm they will cause. These people even gloat and brag about
it. Lastly, no longer can these actions be ignored.
The other side of the coin is that these
technologies can used to silent voices or opinions that are different. We can
see this with companies and groups that want to silent whistleblowers that they have
information about a company or group engaging in activities that can shed light
the happening within. There are people within these entities who do not want
this information to get out. The companies or groups online can be engaging in
activities that could be causes of action later on down the track. It has
happened. Lastly, this sheds light on how social media tools can be used in the
wrong way.
With all the tools out there already, the
common denominator has not change our interacting online show what kind people
we are. There will be tools coming out in the future that could replace the
Facebook, Twitter, and others. These will have features that will be the rave. But,
with the rave with social media tools comes the responsibility watching what is
said online because it can be used in ways legally not thought of before.
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That is the way it unfolds.
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