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Monday, 16 December 2013

Let the Good Times Roll
BB King

There are times when you want to let go and relax to hear some good music. Well, I went to see BB King play live and see my family in the states back in January. It was great. BB King is one the great musicians of our time. He can make the guitar cry and whale. His concerts are unforgettable. You always leave feeling great afterwards.

You have leave early to avoid the traffic. I hate traffic especially at rush hour. It is enough to make you want to join the hair club and become the client and the president of the company because of the traffic. I got the venue. It was packed. I mean really packed. I could see masses of people everywhere just waiting for the show to begin. I saw Buddy perform it was great.
Buddy Guy

When the show started it was going really well. The crowd was getting the music.  You tell the mood was very festive. I was feeling a really good mood. I forgot about the traffic and fighting altogether.

I saw BB play his favorite guitar Lucille. He made Lucille cry and he sang well. The crowd was ready to hear more. He rattled off licks with precision. Each lick sung its own voice.  The shown felt like it could go on forever. No one was bored at all.

I waited the whole evening to hear the one song that I waited for. That is “Let the Good Times Roll”. It went well and the crowd was really digging and repeat “Let the Good Times Roll” He would have the crowd repeat the same thing and went well. You could tell that everyone was enjoying the show. It was a really good show. It was worth the money going to see him live. The live performance is awesome. He is much better live. I didn't have the blues afterwards.

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